Emigrating to Peru: Obtaining Visas and Residency Permits

Types of Visas and Residency Permits We Can Assist You With   

If you're planning to emigrate to Peru, we can help you navigate the administrative procedures and obtain the necessary documents. Weles Group S.A.C. has extensive experience with various types of visas and residency permits in Peru, including work, investor, and retirement visas.

We can help you obtain a work visa by providing knowledge of the local job market and regulations. Whether you're looking for a job in the culinary, engineering, or creative fields, we can assist you in finding the best fit.

Why Peru is an Attractive Place for Investment and Second Citizenship

Investing in Peru is a promising decision for your business. Our specialists can help you register a new company and handle all the formalities with lawyers and the tax service. We recommend investing in the private business sector, infrastructure, waste management, and agriculture.

For those seeking a peaceful retirement, our company can help you obtain a retirement visa. You can enjoy life away from the city bustle and immerse yourself in the beauty of Peru's nature.

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